Our Email: MarFelKitchen@yahoo.com; Mobile: +65 8183 6221

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Nasi Tumpeng - Cone Shaped Yellow Rice surrounded with Assorted Dishes

Nasi Tumpeng is an exotic dish of turmeric-flavoured rice, bright yellow and shaped into a cone, served with side dishes (meat and vegetables) and beautifully decorated with hand-crafted vegetables.

This dish has significant meaning to Indonesian peoples. Whenever we have something to say thanks about, it has to be present. Wedding, birthday, anniversaries, new year. The mounds of rice represents gold, and the many dishes surround it shows bountiful of foods and lucks.

Tumpeng is also a symbol of life and ecosystems.
Towering cone of rice symbolizes the greatness of God, the Creator of nature and its contents.
While the assorted side dishes are symbol of the content of this universe. It should represent sea water animals (fish, prawn,etc), land animals (chicken, beef, egg, etc) and vegetables (bean, spinach, etc).

Our Nasi Tumpeng is just a perfect menu for your very special and memorable celebration! :) Below is one of our Yellow Rice Tumpeng made on 19-Nov-2011 for a Wedding Anniversary. It's designed as a beautiful bouquet filled up with Yellow Rice and the seven dishes, i.e.: veggie (fresh lettuce & cucumber), sweet marinated quail eggs satay (satay telur puyuh bacem), corned beef potato fritter (perkedel corned), fried soybean cake with anchovy and peanuts (kering tempe dengan ikan teri dan kacang), fried chicken (ayam goreng), spicy shrimp and potato (sambal goreng udang dan kentang), fried sweet marinated tofu (tahu bacem), decorated with beautiful radish and cucumber flowers.

Please click here (and scroll down) to see about MarFel's Kitchen Nasi Tumpeng's detail.
Or click here to see our Nasi Tumpeng Album.

Tag: Nasi Tumpeng in Singapore, Tumpeng Rice in Singapore, Indonesian Tumpeng in Singapore, Modern Tumpeng, Order Nasi Tumpeng in Singapore

Yellow Rice Tumpeng, Singapore, 19-Nov-2011

Sunday 13 November 2011

Indonesian Layer Cake (Kueh Lapis)

Kue Lapis (AKA "Kueh Lapis" in Singapore) is a non ordinary cake. It's very unique and special, known as "thousand of layers cake".
It is a very rich cake with very high contents of eggs and butter.

Kue Lapis has auspicious meaning for the Chinese Lunar New Year. The layers structure of Kue Lapis symbolizes the strength and power given to you to achieve greater height in business and career.

Quoted from Asian Cuisine website: "When you chomp into a slice of kueh lapis during the Lunar New Year season, pause to consider that you're making a wish for an ever upward move in the new year. Upward in wealth, upward in happiness, upward in your career."

Making Kue Lapis is a very tedious job. The baking process requires time and patience since every layer is baked one at a time.However, "Home Made Kue Lapis" is one of our special menu, which is patiently and specially baked just for you.

Please click here, to see about MarFel's Kitchen Layer Cake's detail.

Saturday 12 November 2011

Fruits/ Vegetables Carving

Hola Friends...!!!

Fruits/ Vegetables carving is the art of carving vegetables and/ or fruits to form beautiful objects, such as flowers, leaves or birds.

Please enjoy our creation's photos below.. :)

If you are interested to know about how to make it, pls. email us at MarFelKitchen@yahoo.com. We will gladly share the steps to you.

MarFel's Mother :)

~~ White Radish Flowers ~~

~~ Chili, cucumber, carrot flowers and leaves ~~