Our Email: MarFelKitchen@yahoo.com; Mobile: +65 8183 6221

How to Order

1. Please see our latest Menu and Price here and check our Service Availability here.
2. Please send an email to veronicawindha@yahoo.com or call/ sms us at +65 8183 6221:
- To reconfirm about our catering service availability on your event's date and time.
- To inform about the menu and quantity, Collection.

2. Order for Tumpeng:
  • There will be a Based Price for Tumpeng's container and the standard accessories (please refer to the menu and price list).
3. Regarding Collection:
  • Self Collection (customer do "self collect") is our "MOST WELCOME".
  • Delivery:
    • Please refer to the Menu and Price about the Delivery Fee*
*We will inform you of any additional charges you may have to pay due to location or other special conditions.